DynamoDB Data Browser
Early sneak peek into an alternative GUI client for DDB
If you’ve ever felt frustrated with the default DynamoDB UI in the AWS Console (or nosql workbench UI), you’re not alone. I wanted a better way to browse my DynamoDB data, so I decided to create an alternative GUI client — specifically designed for locally running DynamoDB. While it’s still in the early stages, I thought it would be fun to share it with the public and get some feedback.
Key Features So Far
Here’s what the DynamoDB Data Browser can do right now:
🚀 Quick JSON View: Easily view your DynamoDB data in a readable JSON format.
🚀 Copy to Clipboard: Copy individual attributes or entire rows from context menu.
🚀 Filter Data: Apply filters to quickly find the data you need.
🚀 Automatic Data Re-fetch: The data reloads automatically whenever the tab becomes active again.
Upcoming Features
⏭ Watch Mode: Track real-time changes to your DynamoDB data.
⏭ Table Stats: View metrics and stats related to your DynamoDB table items.
⏭ Checkpoint Reset: Reset your table to last checkpoint.
How to Use the DynamoDB Data Browser
To get started with the DynamoDB Data Browser, follow these steps:
- Run DynamoDB Locally First, you’ll need to run DynamoDB locally. You can do this by using the following command:
java -Djava.library.path=./dynamoLocal/DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar ./dynamoLocal/DynamoDBLocal.jar -port 8000 -cors “https://ankit-ddb.netlify.app/" -sharedDb
2. Access the Data Browser Once DynamoDB is running locally, head over to https://ankit-ddb.netlify.app/. We need to add connection to browse data.
3. Add Your DynamoDB Settings In the Data Browser, add the settings for your locally running DynamoDB instance.
4. Browse Your Data Navigate to the “Browser” tab, where you’ll be able to view and interact with all the data in your DynamoDB tables. Here’s a quick screen-cast showing off some of the features with some random data.
Project Roadmap: A bare minimum project management is done through a Todo file. You can check it here. Current status 👇
Currently it only supports locally running DynamoDB as its features depends on Table Scans. I will add support for AWS hosted version as well but should be used for your Dev tables only where data is not huge.
This is a work in progress, and there’s still a lot of development to be done. I’d love to hear your feedback! If you have any feature requests or want to report bugs, feel free to raise them on GitHub.